Hey all, Fox here! I’m new to the Pittsburgh Bloggers community, but I’ve been blogging for years (although way back in the early 2000s we were still calling it ‘online journaling’), and I’m here to tell you about some upcoming improvements to PghBloggers.org.
As the site has been up since 2004, there are obviously some blog links hanging around for pages that are no longer being updated by their authors. So, I’m here to help clean up these links and delete the non-functioning ones.
With that said, you’ll be seeing some changes coming to the directory as things are updated and removed. We’re only removing blogs that don’t exist, blogs that are no longer related to Pittsburgh in any way (in topic or location), and blogs that are basically ‘inactive’, meaning they haven’t been updated at all in the past 18 months. I am doing my best to try to find new addresses if blogs have moved, but if you’re a blogger with a new address, letting us know via an email or the update form is the best thing to do. Also, if your blog is removed for inactivity and you decide to start updating it again, please just resubmit it and we’ll be happy to update the link.
Finally, we are really trying to improve the effectiveness of the tag cloud on the main page, so if your blog is listed in the directory but doesn’t have any tags, please submit some as an update. This is one of the easiest ways for readers (and other like-minded bloggers) to find your blog, so the more specific and accurate your tags are, the more people who will be able to read your page.
The blog directory is lengthy, but I’m hoping to have the Big Link Cleanup complete before our upcoming Blogfest event. The details of that will be coming soon, so keep checking back! And again, keep the corrections and updates (and new submissions) coming!