Once upon a time, two crazy kids met at a Fourth of July picnic in Hampton Township. They fell in love, went off to Pitt, got married, and instead of settling down, developed a serious case of wanderlust. Despite an almost unhealthy devotion to the fine city of Pittsburgh, they made their way to Arizona, made a brief attempt at life as DINKs (dual income, no kids), before quitting their jobs, selling all their worldy possessions and living out of their car, and later their backpacks. After walking 2,174 miles from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail, they found their way Home. The blog now chronicles the tales and misadventures in biking the pothole-filled streets of Pittsburgh, navigating the complexities of the Pennsylvania Department of Education from the perspective of a special education teacher, triumphs and failures in vegan baking, and the occasional trip report from an overnight backpacking trip.
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