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Blogs Tagged "Parenting"
My Fruitful Home
My blog helps moms dealing with a chronic illness manage a home and family while also offering encouragement, inspiration, and creativity.
A homeschooling blog, with an emphasis on teaching boys with ADHD, and shares information about how to teach school subjects using videos, online games, worksheets, and books.
Nonperfect Parenting
You don’t have to be perfect to be an awesome parent!
Denise N. LaRosa
Denise LaRosa is a wife, mother, freelance writer and executive editor for Urban Media Today. On her blog, Denise shares her joys and challenges on the journey of motherhood, while providing resources and lessons for all Moms!
Shh!! Momma’s Writing!
Shh!! Momma’s Writing! was started in 2006 as a means to escape my imprisonment. (I’ll explain.) It started with the birth of my fourth child who wouldn’t let me leave and allowed me to branch out and share with anyone … Continue reading
It is What It Is
Sometimes in life we focus on what’s not important, forgetting what is. Uplifting, comical and blunt, this blog discovers a look into my life, motherhood, marriage and the circus that goes with it. Come laugh, cry, and everything in between, … Continue reading
Accidental Mama
When life transitions from party time to poopy diapers Accidental Mama Sarah Lolley is the alternative voice for parents who are unwed, wed, single, double, or just hanging in there. Sarah Lolley became an “Accidental Mama” on the tail-end of … Continue reading
New Pgh Mom
Adventures of a new working mother in Pittsburgh, PA #newpghmom
We’ll Take Two
Because single babies are for little sissies. A humorous look at family and parenting twins.