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Blogs Tagged "Food"
The Acquired Sass
One girl’s sassy take on fitness, food & adulting.
What’s For Dinner Pittsburgh
Helping to share what’s on Pittsburgh’s dinner plates. A page dedicated to what everyone is enjoying for dinner – at home or out and about. This blog has grown from the tremendous interest we had in our Facebook page. We … Continue reading
Lovelily Laine
I’m a Southern girl who recently relocated to the ‘burgh with my husband, the Engineer. This blog covers food, fashion, and how I’m [comically] adjusting to life as an accidental Northerner.
Miles and Morsels
A blog promoting travel and food, focusing now on the local area.
Balance and Chaos
Balance & Chaos is my safe little haven where I can get in touch with my creative side. Balance & Chaos shares a sneak peak into my sometimes balanced (and sometimes not so balanced!) lifestyle. Here you will find anywhere … Continue reading
Health Starts in the Kitchen
Helping make the world a healthier place, one kitchen at a time!
My Fashion Juice
My Fashion Juice is your resource for fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Cris chronicles her outfits, beauty tricks and other fun things on her blog based in both Pittsburgh, PA and Dallas, TX.
Breelicious Bites
This blog is all about food. I do restaurant reviews, list foodie events, event reviews, and highlight organizations that are using food in a positive way. In addition I have a page that focuses on other cities I have traveled … Continue reading
Met at work. One married with a son. The other living alone in a new city (Pittsburgh!). Both trying to figure out this adult thing. It’s kind of like Boy Meets World meets Seinfeld.
Gabrielle Bogan
Gabrielle Bogan, is a self- titled lifestyle blog geared towards women in their mid 20s to early 30s. I deliver weekly posts related to love & relationships, designing your dream life, beauty & more! In addition, this blog serves as … Continue reading