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Blogs Tagged "Film"
The Casting Pitt
The Casting Pitt is Pittsburgh’s largest free website for actors and filmmakers with over 1,600 users. The Casting Pitt also features frequent articles on acting, directing, filmmaking, auditioning, and more, written by staff and users.
Movie Scene Queen
An interactive tool for entertainment and movies, featuring movie reviews, giveaways, and open discussion about movies and films.
Daily matches of fictional battles from TV/Movie/Comic/Video Games characters as determined by the readers. We also have original stories, interesting reviews and our very own “Ask the Admin” section. Stop by, I bet there is something you will find that … Continue reading
Steel Cinema
Covers film culture in Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh Movie Guy
Movie news and reviews from a guy in Pittsburgh.
Fighting the Void
Art is about filling the void–writing on the blank page or filling the empty stage. Making art of any kind is a constant struggle against all manner of inner and outer forces. It’s a veritable fight to find meaning in this crazy world.
My Brilliant Mistakes
My Brilliant Mistakes is the personal blog of Cynthia Closkey. She’s a western PA native who designs websites and helps people use the web for good through her company, Big Big Design. This blog covers culture, reading and writing, live … Continue reading