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Blogs Tagged "Community"
Accidental Mama
When life transitions from party time to poopy diapers Accidental Mama Sarah Lolley is the alternative voice for parents who are unwed, wed, single, double, or just hanging in there. Sarah Lolley became an “Accidental Mama” on the tail-end of … Continue reading
I help Pittsburghers live yinzpired through interviews, motivational posts, and city features. I’m on a mission to interview 100 Pittsburghers who are doing awesome things in their 20’s and 30’s.
Awesome Pittsburgh
Awesome Pittsburgh mines the brilliance of our city’s artists, inventors, designers, leaders, creators, champions, and dreamers and fund projects that have both local impact and global resonance. We believe that Pittsburgh, with all of the resources and amenities that drive … Continue reading
The Road We Walk & the Shoes We Wear
Sometimes life can seem so hard to make any logical sense out of it and find ourselves walking on a road alone. Though, as we find that each one of our journeys’ will be different it should be of some … Continue reading