Catsburgh is a Pittsburgh blog that follows the amusing adventures of Joaquin and Lola, the two best cats ever. We live together in a house in Pittsburgh with my husband (“husband”) and our basement tenant/roommate (“roomie”). I post random pictures and videos of things my cats do that I think are amusing and share funny internet cat things, all with a Pittsburgh flare.
You should read this blog because deep down you, too, are obsessed with your cats, but you are too proud to admit it and make your own blog about them. You, my friend, are invited to use the comments to gush about your own cats. I won’t tell anyone who you are I promise.
You should also read this blog if you live in Pittsburgh, like How I Met Your Mother, find yourself watching Maru the cat who jumps in boxes, and frequently use the hashtag #catsofinstagram. Because I write about those things too.
Author: Catsburgh
Cats, Lifestyle, Local Interest, comedy, Pets, Pittsburgh